October 30, 2013

When things were simple

Came across this rather out-dated quote recently…


… and I can’t help but agree.

It is such irony too that despite how seemingly “difficult” things used to be, life was in a way, much simpler. These days, with things being made “easier” with the evolution of technology, life has actually become much more complicated than it should be. Worse, technology actually contributes to us being  lazier, and our growing impatience for things that are a little “too slow” continue to give us unnecessary stress. A typical first world problem.

I am being reminded of one of my all-time favourite song by Keane that goes…

oh simple things, where have you gone,

I’m getting old and I need something to rely on

Sometimes I yearn for things to just remain simple. After all, isn’t life complicated enough? And so…if you have a minute…

…why don´t  we go?
Talk about it somewhere only we know.
This could be the end of everything,
So why don´t we go?
So why don´t we go?

This could be the end of everything,
So why don’t we go?

Somewhere only we know.

Somewhere only we know.

Somewhere only we know.


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