October 31, 2013

It’s 31st and it’s Halloween

Category: Critter Stories

Halloween this year felt like it just sneaked up on me.

While I had a rather hard time recalling what happened for Spud’s Halloween celebration last year, I also went, “What?! Already? Again?” when  we received a letter from the school a week ago reminding us to dress the kids up in Halloween costume and to please let them bring some food.

A mother’s job never ends, I guess. Despite being crazy-busy with work, and, with the help of Silver Bullet, I managed to squeeze in a little time to make some Halloween treats in the form of Pumpkin Rice Krispies and cooked my kid-friendly Fried Rice for Spud to bring to school.

Pumpkin Rice Krispies Treats

Spud has been really excited about her Pumpkin-looking Rice Krispies treats and being dressed as a little Pumpkin Ghost that getting her ready this morning was of no effort at all. She loves her costume (which we got on sale!) and happily walked to school with the little hood over head while carrying the little pumpkin bag in her hand.


That must have been an amusing sight as I noticed a lot of heads turning to us, and accompanied by smiles from passersby who saw us walking by.

Spud had a lot to tell about who wore what costume in school when I came home from work in the evening. She told me that she would want a “Fairy Princess costume” next time. Surprise! Surprise!

Judging from her little stories of what happened in school, she seemed like she’s had a rather fun Halloween celebration. I’m hoping that she would have forgotten all about the “Fairy Princess Costume” by the next Halloween.

Recipe for the Rice Krispies treats will be posted up later. Stay tuned.

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