Monthly Archive:: June 2009
Down with inhumanity!
What’s wrong with human beings nowadays? Where is the humanity of Singaporeans? Aunt Antsy forwarded me some articles on animal abuse happening in Singapore recently, here and here. I am in complete agreement with her sentiments to
Out for blood
Banks are such parasitical, wretched bloodsuckers! Especially those that issue credit cards. Specifically, Citibank. Particular Citibank in Singapore. I swear they will suck the patience and life out of me. It felt like only yesterday that I
I Heart Paws…
Before: After: Both are pictures of the same cat. Only, the “after” picture do look much better, nicer and certainly exude some sort of delicateness as compared to the before-going-to-the-groomer’s-effect. The looks of Andy’s freshly groomed, smooth