Monthly Archive:: January 2018

Sunday Humour: Pearls of Wisdom

Here’s a little something we all *could* ponder on:  Credit:Google Image   On Wisdom #1, my reality of us living in the Netherlands means that we’d better get used to crying on a bicycle in.the.rain. because that’s pretty

Kids’ Chatter

You know what they say about the most honest people in the world, don’t you? Brutal-straight-to-the-point honesty where you don’t get any chance at all to inflate your ego.   Let me share a little snippet of a

Friday Flavours: Pasta Primavera @Monthly Mystery Munchies #31 with Gen

Almost 3/4 into January and how is your new beginning into 2018 looking so far? Back in the sweltering, blazing summer of South Africa, Gen, my long-distance and long-standing partner in food grime crime has decided upon

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