January 29, 2017

Sunday Humour: America First, The Netherlands Second

This went crazy viral last week with the recent inauguration of POTUS done by a Dutch Writer/Comedian/TV Presenter.

A video was made to introduce the Netherlands to him…all in the language only the new President can appreciate. If you have 4:18 to spare, click below:

Gotta love the Dutch humour. 

It’s gonna be 4 years of satire and comedy central with comedians all over the world getting a run for their money.

Let’s just laugh a little. 


Do you know that there’s a petition created for this request to make the Netherlands 2nd? And if successful by February 23, 2017 (100,000 signatures), the White House will be obliged to give the Netherlands a call and make them second! 


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  1. That was HILARIOUS. I actually saw it a couple weeks ago; regardless of a viewer’s political bent, it’s comedy gold. It’s true. Gold. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • It went completely crazy bonkers viral it was insane. I just had to put it up for this week when I saw it last week. ๐Ÿ˜€
      Thanks for stopping by, Casey. Have a wonderful week! x.

    • It is truly gold Casey. Still viraling away as far as I understand it. Glad it made you laugh! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. That was spot on hilarious! Brilliant. Someone just earned themselves a spot in the comedy hall of fame with this. Thanks for the laugh!

    • Most welcome! It was one of the most hilarious video I’ve seen all week, after such a crazy weekend. I think the call for petition was the icing on the cake. I’m just wondering why there weren’t more people signing for it!


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