February 25, 2011

Friday Yoga

Category: Baby Milestones

A public holiday which fell on a Friday last week was a very welcome break. I was all too happy as I was then able to go a session of “Mommy and Me” yoga class – something I’d never get to do anymore since I started working.

Not many people came that day and we ended up as the only mom and baby pair for the class. For that reason, Silver Bullet decided that he’d tag along not only to see what such classes are like, but also taking the opportunity to hone his photography skills.

To his credit, he managed to take some nice shots!

Spud in the meantime refused to sit still and was creeping up everywhere as curiosity got the better of her. She literally kept on inching her way to Silver Bullet who was nicely parked right in the corner of the room, and moving away from me as quickly as she could. If anything, she showed the least interested in me trying to yoga it out with her.

Oh well! At least she was not too cranky that day…just a little pissy if she was not on the floor.

Here are some candid shots courtesy of Silver Bullet. And yes, I still have not lose those pregnancy weight!

I like this shot below a hell lot! A pity it wasn’t me in there or it would really have made a perfect mother-daughter shot.

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