July 13, 2015
Broken Blades Part 2
At slightly after midnight last night as we rounded up our evening with a movie, we heard a loud, strange sounding crash-bang of something. Thinking it was one of the cats’ doing again, I was a little blasé but Silver Bullet went to the kitchen to check on things anyway.
He had found nothing. The cats were not in the kitchen and they all were soundly asleep in different parts of the house. The sound was quite disturbing, but as we could not find anything amiss, we both ignored it for a good 10 minutes; thinking that it could have been a noise from outside.
Just as we were about to head up to the bedroom, Silver Bullet called me in to the guest bathroom and asked me about a strange noise that came from there. I couldn’t figure it out at first, and then it occurred to me that it could be coming from Spud’s room which essentially is just above the bathroom downstairs.
My heart was going at a million miles as I sprinted my way upstairs to Spud’s room. The closer I got to her room, the louder the sound was…my heart skipped a beat at every single step. As I turned the knob in her room, I couldn’t see Spud on her bed.
Instead I came face-to-face with the a fan with that offending noise. It’s cover had been flung open and landed on n floor, broken blades still turning at full speed and shrapnel of blades strewn on the floor. It was just inches away from Spud’s bed.
With hands shaking and heart a-pumping, I quickly turned off the offending object, rushed for Spud and called out for Silver Bullet, almost in panic. I found her, all of her, under her covers; thankfully sound asleep. Interestingly, the loud, crazy noise from the fan did not wake her up and she had slept through all that since we first heard the loud crash-bang more than 15 minutes ago. She only realised what happened when I woke her up to check if she is still alive.
Phew! Nothing happened.
But, as soon as I realised that, I started shaking when I thought about what could have happened had the shrapnel landed anywhere in her while she was sleeping. For a second there, I was overwhelmed by a WTF! moment.Scary thought. I heaved a sigh of relief while Silver Bullet removed the broken fan from her room.
Insane. What’s wrong with the electrical appliances here? Didn’t I just write about electrical appliances needing to last longer, no more than 2 days ago and now this?!
Granted, this wasn’t the first time we’ve had broken fan blades with these Thai-made fans, a brand called Astina. The first one happened about 2 years ago, also the same brand of fan. That was with Squirt and that fan was barely 6 months old then. I wrote about it here.
This is it! No more Thai-brand fans for us. I am so bloody done with such unsuspecting nonsense, right in our own home, which could cause us our lives. And perhaps, just no more fans in the kids’ room if I can help it. If I was paranoid before, this is me being super-hyper-paranoid!
Here were the remnants of what was left after I regained my composure to take a picture of it. I.do.not.like.this.one.bit. NOT.ONE.BIT.

That would be enough excitement for one night. OK now. What else?