July 16, 2011

This time in 2010

I almost cannot believe that it took us nearly two years since Spud was conceived (20 months to be exact) and now reaching to the stage when Spud is now walking, and almost practically running!

As I recall, sometime this time last year, I was a waddling not-so-little big whale, walking around with a rather huge tummy and sporting a pair of a very swollen, tired feet.

At around this time last year, I had started working from home simply because I got too big to waddle to work every day as my ankles got so impossibly swollen that I just cannot be on my feet for too long. At that last stage of my pregnancy, it not only became quite a chore to walk to the office because I tire easily, but also because I was having a lot of difficulty navigating my way through a jammed up soi which has no room for any woman with a huge tummy to pass through.

Let me tell you this ridiculous story:

The few times I tried getting out the apartment, I ended up retreating my steps back home after only a few meters down the soi. The reason was really silly: it was NOT because I suddenly got too tired to walk (I’m sure I could if I pushed myself), but simply because there was no room for me to maneuver myself in between the temporarily stationary bumper-to-bumper vehicles while sporting a huge tummy. Sounds really ridiculous, I know, but if you live in Bangkok, it becomes a very plausible reason as to why I ended up not leaving my home! And no, I am not exaggerating here.

Thinking back though, while I enjoyed having been able to work from home for more than 2 weeks, it really was one of the most uncomfortable stages of pregnancy! In fact, as my tummy got bigger, my hand felt shorter as it was quite a chore to reach out to the mouse and typed on the keyboard when there was a tummy in the way. Sitting at the table was no longer comfortable, and I ended spending a lot of time working with the laptop (and sometimes a cat as well) on my lap. While it worked out a tad better than having to sit at a table, it still was not the best option as the stomach actually obstructed my view of the keyboard. A case in point:

Picture taken from top view, with the laptop resting on my lap 

So yes, even though I got to put my legs up all the time, the entire bit of working from home got a little bit annoying for me. Coupled with backache and all…it was not exactly fun, especially when you are being “cooped up” at home.
Still, I pushed myself. I worked till almost the end because I just cannot stand the thought of not doing anything. Even though I was mostly feeling tired, sleepy and constantly hot all the time, I kept myself busy. There was always something to do. Or if there isn’t, I’ll be sure to find something to do. I refused to be a tub of lard, ready to be blended in with the couch!

This was me and (some bits of me) sometime last year, at about 38 weeks, anxiously counting down to the imminent birth of Spud .

Photo courtesy of a professional photographer friend, BKKImages
Trying to get a perspective
Big, fat swollen feet
And in case you are wondering, no, I do not miss being pregnant.

Posted by:    |    3 Comment
  1. Vicky

    Time flies!
    Nice pix! 🙂
    Look at those swollen feet!
    I empathise, am getting similar ailment. 🙁

  2. it’s water retention! The only cure is putting your feet up and not move! 😀

  3. Hottie pregnant lady!


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