Fabulous Friday Flavour Archive

Fabulous Friday Flavour: Home-made Honey Roasted Chicken Rice

Being horribly jet-lagged couldn’t stop me from getting busy in the kitchen last week. I may have felt like I could have doze off standing up or by doing anything at all, yet as soon I get my

Fabulous Friday Flavour: Home-made Taco Sauce

Buying taco sauce from the jar wasn’t something I was too keen about when I made the Enchilada last week, mainly because of the preservatives present in a commercially-bought jar. So I decided to try my hand

Monthly Mystery Munchies #1 with Gen

Ladies and Gentleman, we have a lift off! Nothing is more exciting than to start the first day of the month with food as Gen of Eat, Play, Clove and I teamed up with our first Monthly

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