July 31, 2011
Stash of baby food
This was the stash of baby food my parents hauled from Singapore when they came by for a visit a couple of weeks ago. Stuff which I have not seen anywhere in Bangkok, and stuff which Spud, so far, loves very much.
While she loves those baby foods, she was, quite unfortunately apprehensive about her grandparents. While she was quite friendly and takes to them okay, she was not too keen to interact with them if neither of us or the Nanny was there with her at any point in time. And given such circumstances, it was also quite hard to take any pictures of her with her Nya-yi and Yai-yi!
In fact, Spud was clingy towards us almost the entire time they were there; especially so with Silver Bullet — something which she has not done before.
But as luck has it, Spud warmed up a little eventually. And that was on the 6th day of their visit; the very day when my parents were due to leave…
The thought of being able to leave Spud with her grandparents for a day when we go back to Singapore for a visit over Hari Raya seems very bleak indeed.
Those melts are great! Even I love them. Be sure to transfer the puffs into an airtight container once you open them, they go flat really fast!
Hope spud loves them! That is quite a stash!