December 13, 2017


If you are getting some snow at where you are at, then you have to get your face printed on the snow.

Why would you do that, you ask? B.e.c.a.u.s,e. 

And how do you do that, you ask? Here’s how in 7 simple steps:

  1. Find a smooth surface covered in snow
  2. Pick a spot
  3. Plonk your face directly on it (make a funny face while at it)
  4. Stop breathing for a few seconds 
  5. Get your face off the snow (start breathing again)
  6. Make a photo with your smartphone. Use the flash
  7. Admire your reversed indent in 3D

Here were the results from our backyard:

Sucker Punch #1: Papa
Sucker Punch #2: Spud
Sucker Punch #3: Squirt


Apparently this face-print challenge in the snow was trending on Twitter in the last few days. We had no clue! Silver Bullet thought he’d give it a shot when he saw this somewhere. We had no idea it was a challenge (that trended!). 

He did it. Spud did it. Squirt did it.[Suckerrrrssss]

I didn’t it*; mainly because I was already prancing IN the house in tee & shorts and I was lazy to put on my jacket and shoes that are snow-proof just to take them off again within a few seconds.

Plus, why would I (or anyone) want to get out in the cold just to get my face imprinted on the stone-cold snow? Mad, no?

I know, I know. I’m no fun.

But that doesn’t mean I won’t try to attempt it the next time just to see how it feels like. I have to say that the results were pretty cool.  Good fun for when I’m super-bored. Maybe it’s a good way of getting an organic botox.

You’d give it a shot, wouldn’t you? I mean the snow face print challenge, not the botox**.  Tag me if you do! 

*not a typo. I meant it as I didn’t (do) it so it rhymes. 

** I couldn’t care less if you do (botox)

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  1. That’s pretty cool. I can’t get my eyes to see Silver Bullet’s face as an indent. I see a 3D or embossed face. Why is that? Have no problem seeing kids’ faces as a hole in the snow, but his stands out. Did they have fun? Looks painful, lol.

    • The way I see it, it’s supposed to be an indent/embossed. You sort of just smash you head into the snow..then see what happens! LOL Probably because he has a big face with prominent features too…LOL. Check out the nose. :p
      Nah..not painful at all..but cold! REALLY cold. They had fun alright! I prefer the warmth in our home. I think they are nuts.

  2. Now I can’t wait for more snow. There will be face prints all over the yard!


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