February 15, 2015

Site Under Construction

Credit: Google Image

My site is currently under-going some re-construction on the back-end, and if you have keen eyes, you would have noticed that the Blogroll list on my sidebar is looking funky for sometime now (who does blogroll for Google & Yahoo!), my Background page is still empty, the images on my stand-alone Blogroll page do not match the Bloggers’ link I have on there and the Twitter button is still not linking up yet.

Please pardon my tardiness.

That’s really because it’s still on a testing and work-in-progress mode as we go about tweaking the look of it. At present, I still need to figure that out and I haven’t got around to linking them up properly.  So, my sincere apologies if you feel that I have been errant, and to bloggers on my Blogroll page, please do not get offended.

With the wrapping up of  #Blogging 101 and 201,  I hope I’m able to spend some time to fix it and give my blog the tweaks it requires. My site runs on wordpress.org platform (not wordpress.com) and thus, some of the features available on the latter is not an .org feature – this applies to “follow me” button, as well as the automated blogroll links to name a few.  Bummer.

Being on .org would also explain as to why you would have to key in your email address to subscribe to my blog and not just click on the follow button. There is no “follow me” button on .org. I know it is a pain for some and probably the reason why most would not bother to, and for those who have, I thank you for taking the little trouble to key in by your email address. You have NOOOOO idea how much I appreciate that.

There’s also one other thing which I have been meaning to do since the #Blogging 101 Adding a Page Assignment – that is to fix all my back links from my older site to Grubbs ‘n Critters.

Being the geek that my husband is, he figured out how to update the back-links with some nifty tricks by writing a query. With his help, he has managed to automatically update over 3000 (!) back links from my old site to Grubbs ‘n Critter within a few hours. I still have a little less than 200 links to update manually and I’ll have to do it in due time – but that is better than having to do more than 4000 back-links MANUALLY!

My geeky husband even thought that whole exercise was fun and has enthusiastically written a post on it at my suggestion. I guess he’ll be my first guest blogger and I’ll be putting up his post soon. Let me warn you it’s all technical, geek-speak. I’m just not too bright for all of that!

Meantime, it’s business as usual.  I’ll continue to blog as often as I can and I hope that you’ll continue to leave comments every now and then. I’m still contemplating on the last assignment of polling, and I figured with .org, I might need to do a little research on how that can be done on my site first.

Till then. Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend.

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