May 6, 2012

Potty tales

Category: Baby Milestones

We bought Spud a potty for a while and a bit now.

So far it has been rather under-utilised as Spud prefers to inform us of her deed only AFTER she poos and then incessantly goes “Change, change, change…” as she grabs her rear, walks to her changing station  and she goes on like a broken record until we follow her and actually change her. 
A couple of weeks ago, she surprised me by telling me for the first time that she wanted to poo. Checking that her diaper was still clean, I figured, perhaps she really did want to poo. So, I quickly took off her diaper and have her sat on her potty. The deed was done in less than a minute. Despite trying really hard not to breathe in the stinky poop she had honourably laid upon me, I did beam with happiness when I saw what happened. To top it all, Spud had also seems to be really pleased with herself! 
Her first tell-and-poo seemed like a success.
And of course, it was a fluke, too.
I have yet to catch a repeat of that one!
On the same day though, she decided that the next time she pooed, she was not going to tell me.
Instead, she chose to stick her hands INTO her soiled diaper and then whinged for a good 10minutes without even mentioning the word “Poo”.  Honestly, I did not realize what had happened – I thought she was just being a drama queen and ignored her whining – and asked her to help me pick up her toys and put it aside (which she obliged! while whinging away) as I cleaned up the mess she made at her dinner table.
It was not until I was about to shower her when I was done cleaning up her mess did I realize what happened. There was poo all over her tiny little hands …and Horror! Horror! Horror! All over her toys which I had asked her put aside earlier as well! 
No wonder she was whining away as she does not particularly like gooey and icky stuff (and smelly in this case!) on her hands. 
Oh God! I did not know whether to laugh or to cry as I hurried her to the bathroom to clean her up. Poor little girl, and silly old me! I actually saw her ducking her hands into her diaper, but did not think anything of it just because she did not say anything.  I guess I should have known better!
I guess it will be a matter of time now before we can expect Spud to smear her crap all over herself, her cot and her bed sheet when we pick her up from her bed one of these days….
All I can say is that at least all her toys were given a good scrub and a wash after we put her to bed that day!
These days, she sometimes tells us “Want Poo” and when we bring her to her potty, she treats it as a game. She pulls down (or tries to!) her pants, sits down, and after about 3 seconds, says “No. No more poo”, and then tries to put her diaper back on. It gets really tiring this, as she thinks that it is fun to do this over and over again. It is times like this that makes me want to ignore her…
For now, potty training is taking a back-seat. I reckon she will be ready when she is ready. 
The joy of parenting – exciting as always!

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