July 1, 2012

One Month

Squirt turns 1 month today; and many months to go before we reach the easier stage – whenever and whatever  that “easier” stage may be.

(And considering that I have religiously been updating Spud’s milestones on a monthly basis, in the name of fairness and equality, I guess it is only right that I try to attempt the same with Squirt.)
He is certainly looking less wrinkly and quite the wriggler – just like he was when he was still in my tummy. He is still a little bit of a Mr. Floppy Head, but is able to lift his head more. 
I’m still trying to figure out his temperament. I reckon, if he is not distressed by his reflux, he seems to be a rather contented little bugger, doing what most babies do this age – lying on his back while he wriggles like a worm, and seems pretty happy to stare at things around him while pouting his lips in slow-motion, although not for too long.
However, contentment has been relatively short-lived these days. He has been quite the fusspot and I reckon, his reflux has made him quite unsettled for most of the time. He is still on a 2-hour feeding schedule and he gets mad – really, really mad that we make him wait till his 2-hour is up before he gets fed. So far, apart from my mom, no one in the household has been able to calm him yet. (I’m in trouble when my mom leaves this weekend!)
While Squirt has been doing decent naps in the day, I’m really hoping that he would start sleeping for longer stretches at night and not wake up every hour wanting to play or be fed. 
In terms of looks, I see so much of Spud in Squirt. Not that I remember much of the first few weeks with Spud, but sometimes, it feels like I’m holding Spud again when she was a baby. 
It has only been a month with Squirt and my guess is, we are in for another big ride! 
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