January 4, 2016
How We Roll and The Morning After NYE
New Years’ Eve have always been a sedated and low-key affair for us since I got knocked up 6 years ago when I was pregnant with Spud. No hard, late night partying like we used to b.c (before children). By 10 p.m., it would be lights-out for us; dead to the world.
We considered those blurry years a bonus if we managed to get by past 10 p.m. Even if that means growing roots on the couch, half-asleep as we tried to make it to midnight.
2 years ago, how we rolled on NYE had gotten better till after midnight, going to bed after the fireworks. Last year into 2016, we had a little more energy to roll longer than the usual despite having to battle the ridiculous traffic en-route home after sending my parents off to the airport in the morning.
We then did some grocery shopping (without the kids) and out of necessity, ended up at 4 different supermarkets in town as most of the ingredients I needed for cooking were sold out. We got home knackered, but we pressed on to do what little we could with some cooking in preparation for a small, last-minute-decision- get-together with a bunch of friends for the weekend.
Silver Bullet made his annual Olliebollen. If that was not enough excitement for the day, we decided that we would take the kids out for ice-cream when they should be in bed.
The kids loved the ice-cream idea and the sheer fact that they get to wander bounce around like mad monkeys on the loose to see the lights after dark even if it was just for a short-while. They were also excited at the prospects of being able to see some fireworks at midnight as we promised them that we’d wake them up IF they continue behave.
Judging by the energy level that evening, I think we all were on sugar-high!

With our kids, the more exhausted they are, the more hyper they become, the more they create havoc between themselves (and then with us!) as they tried to bring the entire house down when we got home. Between the both of them, somehow, someone would end up injured.
Ever seen a chicken lose its head while alive with its voice-box still attached to its severed head? Not that I have, but that would be my take on how they would usually behave. A complete chaos.
The sugar rush they had (our fault!) obviously had some effect on them; especially since they have been licking off the icing sugar off their olliebollen and the plate clean, before we head out for ice-cream.
Nothing we say as gently as we could had any effect on them; only a scream (and then some!) would do. Why! oh why! We were only trying to be nice to them, no?!
Eventually, I screamed sternly told them that they had successfully lose all their well-deserved privilege of watching the fireworks. They were promptly sent off to bed; no reading, no stories, no chatting. That was only after 9 p.m (again, rare!), but the silence after they both fell asleep was music to my ears! Dammit kids.
With the kids in their den bedroom, I continued with some of the cooking I had to do before finally crashing on the couch about 11 p.m. Up until 11.54 p.m, I thought I made up my mind not to wake the kids up. Yet, at that point, I was in two-minds to wake our possessed monkeys up (hello?! Some consistency and follow-through, please!) and nonchalantly left it to Silver Bullet to decide.
I guess, just for that night only, there’s really no harm to eat my own words. Besides, I can point it back to Silver Bullet.
We managed another year of getting to past midnight. We woke the kids up a few minutes before the stroke of 12 and took them to our balcony for the fireworks display. They were awake in no time at all, and were soooo very excited to see the fireworks. Every single fireworks were met with screams and screeches. The softie in me had actually thought that it was pretty endearing to see the little monkeys so easily excitable and happy.

It was all no more than 15 minutes display of firework, but the kids were up for at least half an hour in anticipation for the next smaller ones. When all had calmed down, Spud had the clarity to ask me why I changed my mind (of waking them up for the fireworks) when I had said a firm no. And she asked me a few times after that and the next day when I refused to answer (I had none!). She wouldn’t let it go and insisted on my reasons. (Dammit kid. Let it go already.)
In the end, I think I just went with something, “Because it’s special. You haven’t seen this before and it’s your first time. *ramble*ramble*”
Then it hit me: “This is for next time as you would then know what you would be missing. Beautiful, yes? Shame to miss it if you don’t behave or listen well, right? Let this be a warning”
She seemed satisfied with the answer. ***PHEW*** These 5 year-olds are asking too much questions, no.
I don’t know why I couldn’t arrow that question back to Silver Bullet initially, but I guess I was conscious that by doing so, I would potentially portray that Silver Bullet would seem to undermine my authority – because he allowed it when I explicitly stated otherwise. Not a good thing.
It didn’t take long before the kids were fast asleep again, yet despite a later night and some broken sleeps for them, they STILL managed to get up before 7 a.m the next day. We tried to snooze for another hour or so and left them on their own (we slept close to after 2.30 a.m!), but because they caused mayhem that could awake the dead, we reluctantly got out of bed at about 9 a.m. They needed their breakfast.
It wasn’t long after, that we needed to make a call for an emergency visit to the dentist for one of the kids. A story for another time.
The rest of the day was less eventful. We did more groceries after that, and I mostly banished myself to the kitchen to finish up all the cooking I wanted to do. When I was finally done close to midnight, the soles of my feet throbbed like hell! I had somehow screwed up my back too.
All in all, our New Year’s Eve was not as bland as the previous year with the excitement continued on till the morning after. I’m thinking these incidences seem like an early preview that could jolly well set the pace for the remaining 362 days.
Things are getting unpredictable. If my suspicions hold true, I guess we’ll be looking into lots more adventure to come. Exciting times. But nothing too worrying, I hope!
How was your new year’s eve like?
Well to an exciting new year!
Oh yes…I’m waiting for the big bubble! ๐
I had the most embarrassingly ridiculous New Year’s Eve of my life. I can’t remember the last time I stayed up until midnight on NYE. This year I made it, my eyes literally burning as I waited for the stroke of midnight. But you know why? Because I was obsessively refreshing my WordPress stats because I was soooooo close to a milestone. Which I didn’t hit. I fell instantly asleep at like 12:01 and my kids then woke me up with Happy New Year texts and calls. Note to self. Stop concentrating so much on the statistics. Your New Year’s Eve was waaaaay better.
Are you serious? I’m laughing for the fact that you stayed up for stats! Then, I definitely concur mine was waaaaay better!Hahahaa. But, aren’t your kids the sweetest!
Ignore the stats…don’t get the stat-si-titis. :p I actually hardly ever checked mine. I do it once every few months and sometimes forget for months on end. I guess I see enough stats at work, and that prevents me from being obsessed with my own (which I can be once I start the ball rolling). If I get $$$ out of it however….hmmmm…..LOL
Well, it seems that you are off at a good start. Lovely and cute pictures. Getting the kids to stay after midnight for the New Year’s Eve’s is never an easy affair. The best of 2016 to you and yours.
A good start to more mayhem…! actually don’t mind it if they can’t stay up…hahaa! All the best to you too for 2016, Jacqueline. Thanks for stopping by. ๐