November 10, 2017

Monthly Mystery Munchies #29: Cinnamon-Sugar French Toast Roll

Miss us?

This has been a while isn’t it? I miss us too and I’m glad that Gen has since been on the mend since her last unfortunate incident involving a hot, bursting pipe which landed her in hospital.  It must have been some 3+ months ago since our last MMM!

The good news is that Gen’s healing well. Even after such a freaky ordeal, her spirits remain strong. Her optimism has been out of this world and I’m so very glad that she’s up for our MMM! That’s one hell of a strong woman for you who by now cannot wait to get her sore ass back into the kitchen!

And with that, here we go with this month’s theme of using cinnamon. It’s the one thing that has been under-used in my spice-rack. Surely my bottle of cinnamon-sugar  can be put to good use.

This theme came about because I was bothered with the fact that such oughtta-be-used-often-spice hardly is ever used in my kitchen. I’m not sure why that is but it bugs me that the spice bottle is at a risk of being completely forgotten.

I love my spices and I cannot let that happen to my cinnamon-sugar spice bottle, can I? That would just not be fair to other spices!

But what would I make with cinnamon sugar?

Churros was too easy a guess; in fact making churros was the main reason I bought it in the first place though at this point in time, toying with churros was not really on the top of my list. I was not in the mood to make dough. Dough can be oh-so-finicky. I don’t have the patience for finicky!

Instead, I thought I’ll do something simple. Something that’s relatively quick. Armed with white bread, butter and spice bottles in question, I decided on Cinnamon-Sugar French Toast Roll for breakfast.

Roll and spread
Dip them up!
Saute on
Sprinkle and serve

They were made the night before and although the kids weren’t too thrilled with the taste of cinnamon, they ate almost the entire plate leaving me with only 1 measly roll of the French Toast. Silver Bullet had one.They kids must have ate quite a bit between the both of them.

How did that happen?

Cinnamon-Sugar French Toast Roll
Serves 4
Cinnamon-y-sugar french toast in a roll for an easy breakfast treat!
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
35 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
35 min
  1. 1 loaf of white bread, cut off the crust on the sides
  2. 45g butter
  3. 3 tbsp fine sugar
  4. 2 tbsp brown sugar
  5. 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
  6. 3 eggs
  7. 1/4 cup skim milk
  8. 2-3 tbsp cinnamon-sugar
  9. some butter to saute the rolls
  10. Maple syrup or honey (optional)
  1. Melt butter and mix in fine sugar, brown sugar as well as cinnamon powder. Stir well and make it into a paste. Set aside.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs and milk together. Set aside.
  3. Using a rolling pin, flatten the white bread with the crusts off. Then spread the butter-sugar-cinnamon spread on one side of the bread and roll. Repeat this till all the bread are used
  4. Heat up pan with 2-3 tbsp butter in it. Let the butter melt.
  5. Dip the rolled bread into the egg-milk batter and coat well.
  6. Saute the coated roll into the hot pan for 1-2 minutes until golden brown on each side and until a little crisp on the outside
  7. Remove from the pan. Repeat the remaining rolls as necessary and add butter as and when required to grease the pan.
  8. When ready to serve, sprinkle cinnamon-sugar all over and dip it with maple syrup or honey if desired.
  1. Soaking the bread rolls too long in the eggs would cause the bread to disintegrate easily, so be mindful not to soak it and then forget it or your bread would turn to a mush.
Grubbs n Critters
Spud said it took her 5 rolls before she decided she did not like it. I have no smart come backs for that except that I think I’m just going to be making more of those just to be sure. This time, I’ll make sure I keep a few for myself. 

Now that’s decided, come let’s mosey over at Gen’s South African kitchen with her take of something cinnamon-y and sugary. I’m seriously dying to share her creative take with cinnamon-sugar. It’s a lovely spice to work with and we all could appreciate a little spice and sweetness in our life, wouldn’t you agree?

With that, Welcome Back Gen!

What other cinnamon-sugar food would you recommend? I would love to hear your take on this.


Monthly Mystery Munchies features every first Friday of the month in collaboration with Gen, Author of Eat, Play, Clove. Stay tuned with next month’s edition from the Grubbs ‘n Critters’ Kitchen!


Posted by:    |    3 Comment
  1. Robbie Cheadle

    This looks like a recipe Michael would love to make, Ann. Thanks for sharing.

    • You are most welcome, Robbie! it’s now a breakfast hit for the kids. Try it and let us know how Michael likes it. 🙂

      Happy Weekend! x.

  2. Gen

    I missed us too! Would you believe French toast is one of my favourites?! I love that you rolled the bread and I nearly died at Spud needing five helpings to decide that she did not like it. You know what? At least she’s thorough and dedicated!
    Such a cool recipe and great that you decided to put your cinnamon sugar to good use. Thank you for being so patient with me, like, all the time. All. The Time. Hope you have a good weekend. XOxo


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