October 2, 2010

Long days

Category: Baby Milestones

Gone are the days when we can choose to sleep-in over the weekends. These days, we wake up so early in the weekends that by the time the morning rituals are sorted (I.e Spud’s), we STILL have a few hours to wait for the shopping malls to be opened!

Our days have indeed become longer with Spud waking us up before or by 6 am on a daily basis. There has been no need for an alarm clock anymore to wake us up. On good days, we may have up to 6.45 am…but that has been far and between. There has been certain days where she has chosen to start waking herself up at 5am and with her fussing away, that dragged on till about after 6.30 am. When that happens, bye-bye sleep! No matter how hard we tried to adjust her feeding times, and no matter what time of the night she feeds, she will always be bright-eyed-bushy-tailed by 6.30am. Without fail. There is suddenly no more 5 minutes snooze. So far, this happens every.single.day.

As groggy and dog-tired as we are in the early hours of the morning, by the time both Silver Bullet and me divide and conquer to attend to Spud, we both will be very wide awake. By the time we end the morning rituals, if we are lucky, Spud would take a short nap. But by then, both of us are so wide awake that it is just impossible to nap along. If we try, chances are Spud will, as if on cue, starts to wail away within the minute we lay our heads down to rest.

Spud’s a chronic cat-napper. She just refuses to sleep during the day, and if she does, the longest she’ll go is about 15 minutes.

Having a nap in the day these days is just pure luxury. How I miss my sleep-ins.

If only Spud could grace us just a few hours of her daylight savings…

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