April 4, 2016

The Liebster Award

Category: Awards

Thank you, It’s Good To Be Crazy Sometimes author behind My Crazy Life for the lovely Liebster Award Nomination. 


Mind you, this lady has more than 1200 followers already! That number in itself is already a testament to her blog and so, to have my blog being mentioned amongst her sea of followers, I feel terribly honoured to have made it to her list at all.  

You’ll just have to check her out. She does wonders in addressing the challenges in dealing with mental health and enjoys being quirky for most of the time. She’s also one of he most responsive bloggers I know. Follow her along!

As with most awards, this one comes with rules. One of the rules that had caused a slight delay in my response was the sheer fact of trying to find blogs that have less than 200 followers. It’s not always that easy to find. Plus, some of her questions she posed required a bit of a thinker. 

If your blog is mentioned below and you happen to have more than 200, don’t mind me. It’s just a shout-out from me and, I hope that there’ll be more people checking out your site.


-Thank the person who nominated you and link back to her/his blog. Done
-Copy and paste the Liebster Award badge to your post. Done. Done.
-Nominate 10 new bloggers with less than 200 followers. See below
-Answer the ten questions the person who nominated you asked, and then create ten new questions for the bloggers you are nominating. See below
-Nominate 10 new bloggers by leaving a comment on their blog. Bear with me. I’ll get there!

Here are my answers to My Crazy Life‘s questions in response to the award:

  1. If you could visit any planet in the solar system which one would you choose and why? Saturn. I’m fascinated by its rings!
  2. Name something great about yourself. I’m great at misplacing things. It’s just what I do for being disorganised for most of the time. Strangely, though, I’m one of the most organised at work. At the home front, I suck! 
  3. Have you done a good for someone recently? I went out of my way to deliver a bunch of heavy, second-hand items which I was selling although the agreement was for her to arrange a pick-up from me. She had already bargained hard on the prices which were set and even telling me that she could have gotten the same price if she had bought it from the US (to which I told her that perhaps she should have just bought a new one from there). She finally agreed on the prices and was appreciative for the personal delivery. She was pregnant. 
  4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope.
  5. What is the worse date you have ever been on? With a guy who has just broken up with his girlfriend days before he decided to call me out for a date. He then spent the whole evening talking about his ex; both fond memories and trashing her at the same time and broke down in between his stories. I’ve never seen such a confused man. He was clearly on a rebound and was such a sorry sight to watch too.  I told him to get back together with his ex.
  6. What’s the weather like today? Hot, Hot, Hot!
  7. Arctic Cruise or Hot beach holiday? Artic. it would not be so cold when you are inside the cruise ship!
  8. Is there anyone near you. If so who? Silver Bullet (My husband)
  9. Do you like rollercoasters? Used to. I’m too old for that shit these days. I think my heart would stop. 
  10. If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? Red? Pink?


Here are my nominees:

  1. Just Blue Dutch
  2. The Anxious Dragon’s Blog
  3. Out Loud Karen
  4. A Texan’s View of Upstate New York
  5. The Squirmy Popple
  6. The Urban Life
  7. Lisapomerantze
  8. So Far So Stu
  9. Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
  10. Really Vanilla


My 10 questions:

  1. What’s your favourite go-to snack?
  2. If a genie would grant you one wish, and only one, what would you wish for?
  3.  What’s your favourite post from your own blog so far? Do share your link(s).
  4. Who is your favourite blogger?
  5. If you would cook a special meal, what would it be?
  6. What makes you squirm?
  7. What is the most annoying song?
  8. Would you rather live in the city or the suburb?
  9. What is your favourite quote?
  10. Cats or dogs?


Congratulations to all the nominees! Hope this makes your day as it did mine. Thank you once again,  It’s Good To Be Crazy Sometimes!

Posted by:    |    10 Comment
  1. Congrats on the award. I’m totally with you, I’d visit Saturn too!

  2. Thanks for the nomination! I’m about to post mine now. πŸ™‚

  3. I love the questions! And your answers are awesome! I guess if you are so organized at work, you need to be disorganized at home… everything needs some balance, right?

  4. Thank you so much Ann..really appreciate this.
    Will get on to this once I got some free time. πŸ™‚

    • Most welcome, Christina! Take your time, no obligations. But definitely would like to read your answers. πŸ˜€

  5. Trina

    I am so sorry I thought I responded at the time, thank you so much for your lovely words. I loved your answers πŸ™‚

    • Hahhaha! No worries, Trina! Man, that was a long while back. Thank you for dropping by again. πŸ˜€


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