February 9, 2015
The Very Inspiring Blogger Award
What better way to start the week with a little pat on the back with a nomination from a fellow blogger, and allowing me to pay this recognition forward to also recognise other bloggers who are deserving of The Very Inspiring Blogger Award!
About a week late, but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Swajithkas, the author behind India and Indians and (apparently as I found out) Faraday’s Candle too, for such a wonderful gesture as I am indeed very honoured with your kindness. Very Inspiring Blogger is a big word for me. Bless you, both!

As with awards, The “VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER AWARD” comes with rules:
- Display the award on your blog.
- Link back to the person who nominated you.
- State 7 things about yourself.
- Nominate 15 bloggers, link to them, and notify them about their nominations.
Here are some facts about me:
- I am terrified of knives (you probably already know that!)
- I hate, hate, hate crossing roads…especially the roads in Bangkok.
- I would rather walk 1 km to use the overpass or a traffic light rather than having to cross the road, no matter how safe it looks.
- I have a total of 10 holes pierced in both my ears – 2 of which I did it myself.
- I’ve been fined for littering and jay walking and apart from having to pay a rather hefty fine, I had to attend a separate counselling session for littering (!)
- Mosquitoes love me.
- A fire-ant bite on my foot when I was about 9 years old once left a gaping hole and now I bear a nasty scar for life!
Over to you. Here are my nominees – again apologies if you have been nominated before:
- A Journey Called Life
- All in a Dad’s Work
- Ctrl.Alt.Believe
- A Coffee Break with Mike
- A Good Woman
- A Real Atypical Italian Traveler
- Faraday’s Candle
- Door in Face
- New Peace, Old Mind
- Dad of Awesomeness
- A Beautiful Disaster
- Outside Luke
- The New-newness
- Thistles and Whistles
- Last, but not least, one of the most inspiring yet: Stephiopolis
Please spread the love and check them out!
Well done!!!
I am also terrified with knives, how weird is that? Let me know if you ever find why!
Can’t believe you pierced your ears yourself! brrr..
you are!!? hahaa..haaa. Maybe that’s why we get along! :p Haven’t figured out why. yeah..crazy shit – teens angst! ;D
Hi! We did nominate you, but you have a different name for our blog. All you have to do is add our name!!
Hope you enjoyed it!
Oh? You did? Thank you – I didn’t see that, really. It’ll be my pleasure to add yours. 🙂
Thank you for the nomination. I am sure you will understand that it is going to take me a bit of time to respond. But I will accept. Much appreciated.
Oh no worries! Take your time. It’s not an obligation…just recognition. 🙂
Thank you for the nomination! You have a great blog 🙂
Thanks Angie! And you are most welcome. 😀 Enjoy and bask in the glory!
Congratulations! I also have a love/hate r’ship with mosquitoes….mostly hate =)))
Thank you Ailene! 🙂 Mossies..I want to kill them all! 🙂