January 8, 2016

Fabulous Friday Flavours: Oven-baked Spiced Chicken in Oyster Sauce

If you don’t have much time to cook, but still want a healthy, hearty home-cooked meal for the family, dumping a bunch of chicken smeared in spiced marinade in the oven would be the way to go.

Oven-baked chicken wrapped in aluminium foil tends to make the meat juicy and tender; it’s a better alternative to deep-frying which tends to make the chicken a little dry.

Just make sure you hoard a variety of dried herbs in your spice rack because, using the different types of spices would make your dish that much more flavourful. And for someone who loves flavours, herbs and spices are my best friends. 

Nothing too elaborate though.

It’s a simple dish, with minimal prep required before shoving your chicken into the oven so you can tend to other things whilst your food is roasting! It’s dishes like this that maketh any mothers feel like they are blessed with the super powers of a Wonder Woman!

Oven-baked Spiced Chicken in Oyster Sauce
Serves 4
Juicy, tender chicken marinated in spices and oyster sauce made easy for busy moms!
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
40 min
Total Time
45 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
40 min
Total Time
45 min
  1. 8-12 pieces of chicken breast and/or chicken thighs
  2. 2 yellow onions, sliced
  3. 1 clove garlic, pressed
  4. 2 green chillies, sliced and de-seeded (optional)
  5. 3 tbsp oyster sauce
  6. 2 tspn Worcestershire sauce
  7. 2 tbsp light soy sauce
  8. 2 tspn tumeric powder
  9. 1 tbsp black pepper
  10. 2 tbsp dried sage
  11. 1 tspn fennel, roughly pounded
  12. salt to taste
  1. Heat up the oven on high
  2. Rinse the chicken and pat dry
  3. In a bowl, mix tumeric powder, garlic, oyster sauce, Worcestershire sauce, light soy sauce together, sage, pounded fennel and salt to taste together.
  4. Place the chickens in the bowl and use the mixed ingredients to rub all over the chicken as marinade.
  5. Transfer the chicken into an aluminium foil big enough such that you can crimp the edges together
  6. Before crimping the foil, spread the sliced onions and sliced green chillies on top of the chicken. Then loosely crimp the edges and put the package into the over for about 30 minutes
  7. After 30 minutes, lower the temperature of the oven to 150 degree celcius, open up the crimp of the foil and bake it for another 10-15 minutes to slightly "crispify" the top of the chicken. At this stage, check often to prevent burning the top of the chicken
  8. Make sure that the chicken is cooked
  9. When it's done, transfer the chicken into a dish and serve
  1. Wrapping the chicken in the foil would yield some gravy from the chicken fat which will be full of flavour!
Grubbs n Critters https://grubbsncritters.com/
#Homematters #FoodieFriDIY

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  1. I smell yum yums!!
    Enjoy the weekend…


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