March 25, 2016

Fabulous Friday Flavour: Saffron-Infused Baked Potatoes

Every once in a while, I make an excuse to use saffron in my recipes, only because I have a fetish for it. I have a pot of saffron in my spice collection. Yes, a pot! A small-ish pot. I use them sparingly.

The only reason I have the ability to hoard saffron, not by the strands is because I have been fortunate enough to be able to buy them in the course of my business travels to exotic places where saffron is almost native to the country. There’s something about saffron and it’s a great addition to a dish.

Now imagine this: Chilli olive oil, pressed garlic, a pinch of saffron and cumin all mixed in together, heat it up in a microwave and within 30 seconds, you can smell the aroma of all the ingredients infused together. Pretty orgasmic!

So, without further ado, here’s my latest Grubbecipes baked potatoes creation for your enjoyment.

Saffron-Infused Baked Potatoes
Serves 4
A delicious side dish suitable for any occasion!
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
30 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 4-6 potatoes, peeled and cut up into chunks
  2. 4 cloves garlic, pressed
  3. Half tspn saffron
  4. Half tspn cumin
  5. 3 tbsp chilli infused olive oil
  6. Half tspn paprika powder
  7. Half tspn turmeric
  8. 1 cube chicken bouillon, dissolve in 1 cup of hot water
  9. 1-2 sprigs of coriander, chopped
  10. olive oil
  11. salt to taste
  1. Heat up oven
  2. Mix pressed garlic, saffron and cumin into the chilli olive oil. Heat the mixture up in a microwave-safe bowl for about 30 seconds. Set aside
  3. While the mixture is still in the microwave, mix the potatoes with paprika powder and turmeric.Set aside for 10-15 minutes in the fridge, uncovered.
  4. Then mix well with the saffron-infused mixture.
  5. On a baking tray, spread the taters around. Pour the dissolved chicken bouillon all over the taters. Make sure it covers about half of the tray
  6. Drizzle more olive oil if you desire
  7. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until the taters turn golden brown
  8. Garnish with chopped coriander.
  9. Serve hot!
  1. Using chicken bouillon adds flavour to the taters. It is usually salty enough so you may not want to add in the salt. If you prefer a saltier taters, then feel free to suit the saltiness to your heart's desire.
  2. Putting the marinated taters in the fridge uncovered would make the taters less soggy and a little bit more crispy for oven-baked potatoes
Grubbs n Critters

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