July 10, 2011


Category: Random

I have a confession to make. I have aichmophobia. That means I have an inexplicable and unnatural fear of sharp knives.

Funny that.

Considering I cook so much, I’d much rather work with a blunt knife as opposed to using some fancy-smatchzy chef’s knives and risk losing a finger or two. Or three; much to the amusement of Silver Bullet who is into state of art chef’s knives.

I do wonder where that phobia came from and after all this while, I still don’t know the cause of it. I do know though, that I really hate to use sharp knives. The sight of them scares the crap out of me. It sends shivers down my spine! I shudder just thinking about a bunch of really sharp knives I have in the kitchen.

I know this sound strange, but I like my knife blunt. That means, just sharp enough to be able to cut stuff up, but not nearly sharp enough to draw blood from any of my fingers!

So now you know. I’m a wuss when it comes to knives. My knife skills just royally suck big time and I’m convinced that I’m the worse food cutter there is. I imagine I’m Gordon Ramsey’s nightmare if I ever worked in his kitchen. (Not that I ever would really…he probably would balk at the stuff I cook.)

But that’s OK. At the rate I’m cutting up my ingredients for cooking, I’d happily trade my knife skills for my precious fingers.


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