January 26, 2015

The A-Z of Thailand Roads

Category: Thaism

If you have been in Thailand long enough, I’m sure you can appreciate how bad the roads are and what a mayhem the roads and motorists can be.

If you haven’t, head on to the link below for your A-Z guide on navigating the roads and rules  in Thailand, written by a resident here who has, I believe, spent a lot of time putting this together.

Your A to Z of Thailand’s Roads.

I like how objectively it has been written, although,  I would strongly encourage that you follow them at your own peril. To give you a snippet, I’ll give you some of my favourites to start with:

C: Carrying – all vehicles are equipped to carry more in Thailand than they can in any other country. A motorcycle can carry seven people, a dog and two barrels of gas. A van – at least twenty. If it looks like it can be carried then it CAN be carried. 



J: Jumping lanes – Do this as often as possible and without any warning to other road users. Effective use of this technique will cut milliseconds off your journey time.

Z: Zebra-crossings – have no relevance on roads. Pedestrians using them have no right to cross the road and should be treated with disdain. The only vehicle with a right to use the road is yours.

You have been warned.

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