August 25, 2016

3 Days, 3 Quotes: Game On Day 3

Category: Blogging

In response to LISAPOMERANTZSTER 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge

challenge accepted stampSource: Google Image


Just as I was having fun and Day 3 is up!

With this being the last instalment of the challenge, I thought I’d round up 3 of my go-to inspirational bloggers, whom in the best capacity of the (one of the many) talents they possess, have uplifted their readers with many of their quotes. 

These recent ones are one of my favourites in light of the Sturgeon Moon. Hope these would inspire and uplift your inner souls as they did me.


With an open heart the world becomes so much bigger

by Erika Kind’s Daily Kind Quote



and what I believed was a shadow became light 

by Send Sunshine


Of course, there are rules!

  • Provide 3 new quotes on many topics each day for three days
  • Nominate 3 new bloggers each day for three days
  • Thank the lovely writer who challenged you. In my case, thank you Lisa Pomerantzster: Are We There Yet 
  • Let the bloggers you have challenged, know about it (it’s a thing, part of the shtick)

The nominees, although I don’t expect them to respond to the challenge, are (obviously!) obvious:… :p 

  1. Erika Kind
  2. Send Sunshine
  3.  A Cooking Pot and Twisted Tales

For my readers, please do say pop by and say hello to them. You never know what words can do! 

And before I sign off, here’s another big shout-out to none other than my awesome Yiddish-speaking friend, Lisa Pomerantzster for nominating me to take part in this challenge. I think we can agree that rules are meant to be bent. πŸ˜‰

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  1. Ann, this is so amazing! What a surprise and what a big honor! I never saw a blogger posting quotes of other bloggers at this challenge. Such a wonderful idea and so kind! Thank you very very much! This is my favorite challenge and I will participate. But I hope you don’t mind when I need to wait for the weekend to create my posts! Thank you so very much again! <3

    • Most welcome, Erica! The rules this time was slightly different and I thought “who else would have new quotes but bloggers who can come up with such things!” And of course, you are one of the first that came to mind! πŸ™‚ No worries, definitely looking forward to reading yours! πŸ™‚

  2. Oh my, yes indeed. Bend, bend it like Beckham! M’wah! <3

  3. Well done on how you covered day 2! Love it!

    • Thank you Sandra! There’s something about kids quotes! I thought of you for this challenge after Day 1 but the theme sort of derailed until Day 3. LOL. Do consider yourself nominated if you are up for finding new quotes and get creative! πŸ˜€


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