April 6, 2012

Wrath of the Titans

Category: Movie

It is a long weekend here in Thailand with Friday being declared a public holiday (so is Monday for some, but not for me!), we did something a little bit different from what we usually do.

We dumped Spud with the Nanny in the afternoon and decided to treat ourselves to a long-overdue past-time: We went to the movies. Never mind the fact that we did not know what movies are screening these days, we figured that we’ll just go for it and jolly damn well watch something, because we jolly well deserve this.

Yep. We left Spud,  we got out of the house, bought ourselves VIP tickets, plonked ourselves on some fat-ass comfy chair and watched Wrath of the Titans for over 2 hours. In the theatre of a cineplex! Guilt-free.

Even though I am not much of a fantasy-movie fan, I have to say that I really did enjoy the movie.  The storyline is nothing more than just the struggle for godlike powers. It has, I think, a subtle subplot that somehow challenges the establishment of beliefs surrounding gods and religion. In this movie, gods die…like the once great Zeus.The special effects were pretty awesome.Some of the characters in this movie are also quite entertaining. Liam Neeson still has that same superior-being presence like he was in Star Wars.

Gosh! I can’t even remember the last time we went to the theatre; I reckon it must have been at least a year ago.

And it was nice to be spending the afternoon at the movie theatre, just the two of us.

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