November 9, 2010
What a morning!
Boring days? Nah…! In fact, boring days are rather hard to come by these days. If anything, my days have gotten to be rather colourful. Especially today. Stressful, but “colourful”.
Happening #1:
Our day started with an early morning visit to the hospital for Spud’s blood test for the diarrhoea she has had since last week. While at it, we lugged along her diapers full of poop as evidence for the doctor’s examination. It was a visit neither Silver Bullet nor me enjoyed very much especially after seeing how the nurses tried to draw blood from her while trying to look for a vein . It was quite heartbreaking for me to see Spud in agony as they poked her again and again in one arm for quite a while when they tried to draw blood. And after a lot of tries which seemed like eternity, they had to search again from Spud’s other arm and started the poking all over again while she screamed her lungs out. Unfortunately, there was nothing we could do but try to hold her still as she screamed her lungs out in agony. I cannot imagine that it is a pleasant job for these nurses. As an adult, I hate that vein routine…what more for a small child! I squirmed and cringed and even let out a tear or two while they manhandled Spud. It certainly was not a pleasant morning for us!Happening #2:
When we were almost done at the hospital, we gave our new nanny a call to let her know the time she could start work. As fate has it, she had actually texted us earlier, informing us of her medical emergency with her niece and therefore could not turn up for work. I have to admit that I did think that she might have decided to suddenly turn her back on us. I started to wonder if we should continue our search for a new one as I was afraid she would not show up the next day as I have to be at work! That thought loomed in my head the whole day, but was assured by Silver Bullet’s confidence of her.We.shall.see.
Happening #3:
An American guy had committed suicide in my office building by jumping off the 3rd floor just when I got to the main building. Had Silver Bullet dropped me off at the usual entrance, I certainly would have had faced death right on my track. What made my hair stood on ends was that it happened within mere minutes just when I entered from another side entrance. I am just glad I did not see the scene for I do not know how I would react or how the sight could have affected me for the rest of my day.[Somebody had blogged about it, taking pictures of the scene and all. However,I don’t feel right sensationalising someone else’s plight by providing the link here. May he rest in peace.]
I don’t think I could take anymore excitement for the rest of the day. Any more to this would give me massive heart palpitations.
Good hire this time around. Guess that’s what they say about being second time lucky? 😉
I’d like to think so! So far, she.is.great.