These really are amazing photos from 2013 National Geographic Photo Contest that have been circulating on the web. The wonder of nature continue to astound me and these photographers have done such a remarkable job in capturing the true beauty of nature.
The image was taken this late autumn in the Highlands of Scotland. Photo location: Highlands, Scotland, Great Britain. (Photo and caption by Sorin Rechitan/National Geographic Photo Contest)Photo location: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. (Photo and caption by Ben Leshchinsky/National Geographic Photo Contest) Photo location: Mather, Wisconsin. (Photo and caption by Adam Dorn/National Geographic Photo Contest)Photo location: Carezza, Bolzano, Italy. (Photo and caption by Antonio Chiumenti/National Geographic Photo Contest)
Original posting here.One of these days, I would want to make my way to see the northern lights.