May 7, 2011

Voting is a right

Category: Random

It will be an interesting day for Singapore today, and I am waiting with bated breath to see the outcome of the unanimous decision made by fellow Singaporeans.

Unfortunately, I am only able to be an observer from afar, and,  falling short of coming back to Singapore just for a day to fulfil my obligation, there is no other means of voting from where I am.

You see, more than a week ago, I have actually emailed the elections department enquiring on an alternative way for me to fulfil my obligation as an eligible voter. It took them six days  before they reply me with this email: (OK, so this includes weekend and public holidays, but STILL! that’s what emails are for, especially in this crucial moments)

This certainly did not answer my question as to how else I can vote at this point in time; which in my opinion, is more pressing than having my name re-instated into the system AFTER the election has ended, but in time for the next election which will be due in 5 years.

How daft is that?

I certainly do not see voting as a burden, but my right as a citizen of a country I was born and bred in. That being said, I certainly echo the sentiments here.

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