November 7, 2010
Three Months
Another month passes by, another milestone for Spud as she hit the 3 month mark today.
When I hear stories from other moms, I have to say that Spud has not been the easiest baby.
These days though, while she can still be somewhat cranky, she has been mostly smiles, drools and gurgles and most times, pleasant to be with. When not fussing, she is quite a happy baby and has started to let out strings of big laughs as well.
I reckon she has started to recognise her environment and beginning to sort out who’s who in her life. We know she definitely prefers me and Silver Bullet. She accepts the nanny and while acknowledges other people and strangers talking to her, she will not tolerate them carrying her. On this, I foresee a big challenge ahead as, at present, we have a major nanny issue at such untimely period when I have to go back to work! (A rant for another post, another time).
They say it gets easier once babies get to the 3 month mark. We can only hope it holds true for us.
Here’s another mugshot taken for more documentation and coincidentally (again!) just a few days shy of being 3 months old. It seems quite hard to get a flattering mugshot…and on this one, I have no idea where she got those hideous ears from!