May 7, 2011
The White Room
If there is one sure-fire place where we can get Spud to nap in the day, even if it is for 15 minutes, it has to be this place below.
It is a white, it is bare and it is boring. It is actually the corridor at the Bangkok Dolphin where Spud takes her swimming lesson. At the risk of jinxing ourselves silly with this notion for the next time we try, we have, time and again, managed to successfully get her to nap while we walk back and forth along this corridor. If you call it corridor, that is.
Even when I thought she was not going to nap, she surprised me by eventually falling asleep. Grudgingly, but nevertheless asleep! She did this when I took her for her 2nd make-up class last week. It was a pleasant surprise as I thought with her class starting at 2pm (bad time!), there was no way she was going to go for a nap before that (and she usually does not!)
So far, this is definitely one of the more conducive places where both Silver Bullet and I can both get her to take the much needed nap before she starts her lesson. It has worked every time.
So are you guys gonna paint her room all white? ;D
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately!), we are not allowed to choose the colour of paint for our apartment! hehee..hehe.