December 21, 2008

The Constant Gardener in the making

Category: Random

In support of a green environment, we have decided to have some greenery at home in our balcony. I don’t have green fingers, I probably will unwittingly cause the death of the plants. For crying out loud, I actually killed my mom’s cactus a few years ago by merely touching the spikes!

So, it is all up to Silver Bullet now as he is probably better at it and he enjoys the gardening. We finally bought a bunch of plants yesterday after saying that we should have some plants at home for the longest time! They are lovely and bring about a brighter and cozier home atmosphere.

A mere 10 baht for the small flowered ones (40 cents SGD) to less than 60 baht for the bigger plants (~SGD 2.40). Amazing what plants can do to brighten up the place. Hopefully, we can keep this up!

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