Fabulous Friday Flavour Archive

Monthly Mystery Munchies #36: Duck breast with asparagus and fresh herb Risotto

Gourmet, elite-ish and expensive might as well be the theme for this month’s Monthly Mystery Munchies! Because, when Gen suggested duck as a main, I have no clue that a few pieces of duck meat can get

Monthly Mystery Munchies #34: Savoury Cake

You read that right: Savoury. Cake. Whoever says cake has to be sweet? Because if you are anything like my mother-in-law, baking a sweet cake would just be a waste of sugar, butter, flour and eggs as

Monthly Mystery Munchies #33: B&B Sliders with Caramelised Onions

When my pal from the other side of the world suggested beef and bacon for this month’s theme, I said why yes! Of course, we can! I mean I just made it the week before the theme

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