November 20, 2010
Stacked shelf
One of the better tips given to us by a know-it-all-new-parent to a soon-to-be-new parents (us) was to get a stacked shelf for our newborn baby. Although unsolicited, it turned out to be one of the better advices we got from random people.
It also was easily one of “those things” which we don’t really think about when we were about to become parents. I have to say, for us, it worked like a charm as buying it was one of the best decisions we ever made. With so many baby items to store, this stacked shelf scores a perfect 10 for convenience and practicality, simply because it allows you to keep things handy for as and when you need them. It is also best to get those stacked shelf with rollers as then you can push it along with you everywhere you go around the house.
It is just so nifty to have around. I know without this, I will be driving myself mad if I have to run to the room every time Spud does a poo/pee, (which in combination, can be up to 12x a day), a spit-up, or just having to change clothes because she wets them while at it
It took us a while to find this shelf in Bangkok, and we finally managed to find one we like from Home Pro. We can’t be happier with the purchase. Certainly a great thing to have!