December 15, 2013

Sisterly Love

Category: Critter Stories

Watching Spud turning into a big sister to Squirt has been fascinating to say the least.  Little by little, I am discovering that if Spud is not too busy snatching toys away from Squirt because she can, she would be giving him hugs, kisses, holding his hands and generally guiding him with the know-hows of the her little universe.

Squirt, on the other hand, would be just as happy to be guided along for most of the time. Given Squirt’s limited vocabulary, I realize that he would usually observe his sister quite intently and then would respond to her with nods, lots of smiles and sometimes hearty laughs in acknowledgements; yet has no qualms to tell his sister off when he thinks he has had enough and that he was done with her. Wails and screams will then follow suit rather quickly – either from Squirt or Spud or both.

Recently, I captured several shots of Spud being such an angel to her little brother. It was an endearing moment.

She held his hand as she sat him down
Then she tried to give him a kiss
And then she attempted to clean an invisible dirt on his cheek
Then it took them forever to give me a decent pose!

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