August 24, 2009
Short Quip
A remark made in a meeting from the perspectively challenged on the topic of internet:
“Personally, I’m not too keen on internet and I will not allow my kids to be exposed to internet sites or gaming. The internet trend is not for kids. So, I personally think that it is not an appropriate recommendation to use the internet to entertain kids between 7 to 14 years old”
You know what though? Incidentally, the almighty internet is no longer a trend. It’s just there. And for kids that age, well, let’s just say it’s probably the most normal thing they’d see, given that they are born already into it, along with Ipods, Iphones, Google and MSN Messengers.
Dare I ask whom made this comment? He/She must have has his/her head in the sand for the longest time.
I really wonder how that person intends to “not allow my kids to be EXPOSED TO INTERNET SITES and gaming”?
The world wide web, the internet, is not simply a cultural phenomenon you want to or can ignore. It has arrived. In a big way. It may not be the norm in BKK but it is the norm for many Singapore public schools at the tertiary level, to use the internet to complete assignments and work.
I understand his/her viewpoint that the internet is a cornucopia of information, both bad and good. However, this is not just limited to the world wide web. If you really want to drill down to the medium, big book retailers are just as “resourceful”. Check out the book retailers that sells cling wrapped issues of Penthouse and Playboy.
You may try to withhold the kid from being EXPOSED to the internet from infancy to 14 years old. (I laugh at this notion). The effect is very much like trying to dam a raging river. When the dam breaks, the force with which the river flows is overwhelming.
I think the crux of the issue of exposing junior to the internet lies in the kid’s upbringing. If the parent has done his/her dues in instilling and reinforcing good values and ethics in junior, parents should have faith that junior would be able to make relatively good judgment calls while being exposed to the internet. That said, it is equally important that regular guidance and monitoring of junior’s activities online to help junior weed out desirable and non-desirable content.
I think parents ought to take a pro-active approach when exposing junior to the internet. It’s a process the parent must take on together with their child if they want to ensure that junior is being guided to navigate the “right” sites, make the “right” decision”, amongst other things.
A LOT of things are very interesting to a 7-14 year old.
There is no way you can stop your child from being exposed to the internet (unless you renounce your current life and move to the mountain tops). You can only educate them, guide them and hope that he/she will make the right decisions eventually. As much as you want to, you can not protect them forever.
One more (under the belt) shot: Just because you are not too keen on the internet, you think it inappropriate for your target audience even though it may be an effective meidum to share your marketing message?
Seow. Ostrich.
Fwoahh!! *hear*Hear* Between you and me, we’d have lots to discuss on this.
I simply luv your rants!:)
oh oh..also note the word “personally”