April 22, 2012
She’s got hair!
Category: Being Parents
When Spud was born, she was quite the little baldy, with really sparse hair right on the top of her head. I used to joke that if her hair remained the way it was, I would have to start sweeping the hair over to the side to cover the bald patch.
But, look at her – Spud’s got hair, alright! Her hair has grown rather long in a dark brown tone. She’s got the curls going for her too. Her Papa loves her curls to bits ( I do , too actually), and somehow, if she is anything like me, she would probably grow up hating her own curly/wavy hair just like I did mine.
Spud mostly refused to have her hair tied-up and that “rooberbun” (aka rubber band) in her hair usually lasts no longer than 5 minutes before she takes them off.. And so, when her hair does fall all over the place and all over her face (which is mostly all of the time!), it makes ME feel so hot and bothered that I want to snip the edges and sides off.
Which was what I did recently; very much to the chagrin of Silver Bullet who prefers to see Spud’s hair grow longer. That, and the fact that I am no barber and generally do a bad job at cutting Spud’s hair. Hee…heh!
Oh well! My take is that her hair will grow, and that there’s nothing to worry about. And when it does, I’ll do the snipping again until Spud’s old enough to have a choice if she wants to keep her hair long or short.