September 25, 2016
A Re-Blog: Meet & Greet…Hypervigilant Style
It’s been exactly 7 days (overdue) since this Meet & Greet happened. It is one of the most interesting Meet & Greet I’ve ever come across and I only saw it 4 days ago. Regrettably, since reading it, I have not been able to re-blog this sooner as I haven’t been able to get to my laptop very much.
Until today. Now. One of the rare days where I double-post on the same day.
So while this may have been a little overdue and if the party is over, I believe it’s worth reviving.
That’s because this is not just another meet and greet. It’s a special party hosted by Casey over at Hypervigilant.org. as Casey has committed to donate a dollar* to Compassion International, a fabulous organisation committed to child development and rescuing kids from poverty for every comment she gets.
For such a noble cause, I reckon this needs to be reblogged and revived!

“Ooooooh, you were right. I DO like her!” “Dude. I said you could MEET her. Hands off.”
Photo by Peter Nijenhuis
We’ve all seen (and occasionally participated in) a Meet & Greet post. You know, “drop your link in the comments and maybe someone will click.”
Instead of posting a hit-or-miss link, let’s change it up. Your mission, should you choose to accept it:
1. Describe your blog in nine words or less.
2. Paste a link to a post you’re proud of writing. Bonus points for adoption, mental health or parenting themes*
Casey writes about her personal experience and thoughts from adult adoptees (some of the best resources EVER for figuring out how to help kids). She also aims to share the truth about adoption with an honest picture of their wins and mishaps. She also writes a little fiction on the side.
So, if you are done dropping your links, re-blogging, re-tweeting and visiting other party-goers, do check out Casey’s other posts too!