May 26, 2011

Pureed & Frozen

Category: Baby Food

I remember getting all excited at the thought of introducing Spud to solids when she was about 5 and a bit months old.

I still make her food , and I enjoy doing so. Making baby food is really easy — I steam, I roughly mash them up (no more pureeing the crap out of them!), I put them in ice-cube trays, I freeze them and then use them when needed. I make them once every 1 or 2 months at a go, and then just keep then frozen in the freezer.
I have been doing the above for each individual type of food  which is a bit annoying, but at least I get to mix and match them as and when I feel like it, and to also provide Spud with some sort of variety. The kind o ffood she gets for the day depends on my mood.
Our freezer is currently quite full with all the frozen food I made for her…but one thing for sure, there is this sense of satisfaction to be able to feed Spud with something I make myself.  
Now that Spud’s eating 3 square meals a day plus snack time in between, I have been more experimental with the type of food I prepared for her. I cannot wait for her to start eating the same thing as we do!

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  1. Vicky

    The oldies would say cold stuff not good for babies leh??

  2. Uhm…actually, we heat it up in the microwave before feeding her. ;D Freezing it actually keeps the food fresh, and only use what’s needed. or did u mean like “cold & heaty” food?


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