August 29, 2016

Pause and Breathe

How often do you groan and grunt when you get interrupted by the littlest thing when you are focused on getting something done as quickly as you can so you can give your 100% attention to other things as soon as you are done with what you have to do? 

That (being interrupted, that is) to me  is probably one of the most annoying things. It is one of my pet peeves.

I groaned when I suddenly remember that my earlier forgetfulness demanded that I had to get up from my couch and stop doing whatever I was doing just to walk out 5 meters to the backyard to lock the shed. 

I grunted at myself for having been called out from my living room to get under the hot sun and walked 10 meters out of my front door when the kids decided to scream their biggest screams, requiring some attention while they were playing outside. 

I sighed my biggest sigh when I had to walk up the flight of stairs for the 3rd time in 10 minutes just because I have forgotten to bring yet another thing I needed from the bathroom on the 2nd floor.

Most annoying! Right?

But, let me tell you that on the hindsight, I am glad for all the intrusions because if not for them, I would have missed a whole lot of things Mother Nature had put forth for the eyes to feast on. This was only in the last week or two, too!

You see, had I not walked out 10 meters out to my front yard under the hot sun last week to check on the kids while I mutter stuff under my breath, I would have missed the spectacular sight of the half moon in broad daylight. It was one of the brightest, clearest and rarest half moons I have ever seen high up in the sky in the days following the big bad moon on 18th August. 

Best of all, I got to point this out and explained the occurrence to Spud and Squirt, who have never seen the  moon out during the daytime in their life! It surprised them and at the same time, they were excited at seeing one, too. That’s, ehem… one brownie point for this Mama!


Look closely and you’d see the white dot in the sky!


Sure I sighed my biggest sigh when I had to climb up the flight of crazy steps for the 3rd time within seconds but had I not gone to the bathroom and looked up at the glass window as I was retrieving the things I needed, I would have completely missed the sight of the sun setting at dusk as I would probably be looking down on my phone. 

Orangey sky at dusk in the Netherlands


And had I not dragged my ass out of my couch to walk outside to the backyard, in the cold to lock the shed as I huffed and puffed at my forgetfulness after settling nicely on the comfy sofa, I would have missed the sight of the last sighting of the Sturgeon Moon as a bunch of clouds were moving across it.

The Big Bad Moon from our backyard

The actual sighting looked much more bad ass than this one, I swear. Like every other time trying my luck to take the picture of the moon in the night sky, I’d always wish that I could capture a better image. 

There are awesome, bad ass shots of the supermoon on 18th of August over at Alk3r of the Big Bad Moon Rising compiled from several photographers. The images would leave you in awe of the wonders of Mother Nature.

As much as the disruptions annoyed me, in the end, I needed it.

It was in fact, a welcome break for the interruptions had forced me to pause, breathe and take in the beauty of nature as they presented themselves before me. No regrets or continued groaning for taking the time look around and look up. 

One has much to lose from being one of the members of the “Look Down” Society. Let’s join the Look-Up-and-Around Society instead to never forget the beauty that surrounds us.

All you need to do really is Pause and Breathe. It’s that easy. 

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  1. I think all things happen for a reaon. One day while leaving the beach to come home I sighed a big sigh because I had decided to get out of the truck beore leaving to open the hatch and get my water bottle. Had I not gotten out Crash’s Fitbit would have been left on the ground there because he accidently dropped it without reazling it! Thanks for the awesome shots. Love the sunset!

    • Really lucky that you found his fitbit! Wait..he has a fitbit?! Lucky boy! (or awesome dad).
      Coincidentally (or not!), I’ve been stumbling on posts and articles on destiny, coincidences and things happening for a reason…hmmm…I guess the universe is talking! LOL.
      There’s always something special about sunsets! I’d love to watch the sunrise too, but I can never get up on time! LOL.

  2. So important to look up and around. You are right, we are part of the look down society… Time to stop and focus on up and around as well 😉

    • I think so too…we look down too much sometimes and forget what’s above and around us. Well… there are people who sometimes don’t see what’s lower beyond their phones and ended up in the drain! :p

  3. Great perspective, I like it!

  4. Awesome photos, Ann! Not only did you stop to see them, you captured them for us to see them too! Thank you. And always stop to smell the roses 😀

    • Most welcome, Jas! You know it’s funny when it all happened. I walked out of the house empty-handed most, if not all of the time thinking it was just a short peek. And as soon as I realised what I saw, I was like..”phone!phone!phone!” and I RAAAAN in to grab my phone, hoping I didn’t miss anything. Then I went snapping away! LOL.
      I’m not a big fan of roses so I’ll walk past them..but I know what you mean! BWhahaha! **muaccks**

      • I do that while I drive to work in the morning…I see things and I go through my purse “phone!phone!phone!” lol
        Find something else to smell if you don’t like roses, just make sure it doesn’t have a tail, hahaha

        • Hehehe..I can imagine how that’d be! Funny how when you have your phone with you, nothing shows up. Then all the beauty comes to life when you don;t have your phone handy! Eyes on the road! Eyes on the road! 😛 :p :p

          I wonder what that would be with tail… 😉 No wait. I don’t want to think! LOL



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