July 4, 2017
Onward to the Next Half Year!
Fourth day into July. Already.
That’s half a year gone. With another half-year to sprint towards, onward and forward. There’s no end to this sprint, really. For as long as there’s life, we’ll be sprinting.
We’ll be running our own life’s marathon, albeit in our own pace in ways that we only know how. There’s only one thing to do when we fall during the sprint: we get back up. There’s no other way; unless we got a heart attack while at it, drop dead and perish.
No, I have never ran a marathon and I have no desire to. Plus my knees would hate me for it.
Still if you think about it, life in itself IS a marathon isn’t it? Except that it does differ in speed and pace of the individual runners. Some would eye on the prize, others for the sheer experience and a few joining in just for the ride. Some (like me), would prefer not run at all and would rather be on the side to pass the water along.
After all, who and what are they running for? What exactly are they after?
If I have a crystal ball, I’d love to be looking into my future. I’d love to know what I’ll be running towards and what my first few check-in points are before I continue on. Except that I have none of those crystal shit.
And if I do have one, it’s kind of broken.

Because all I’m seeing is a murky terrain, blurry headlights and not the tiniest flagpole in sight.Perhaps I should just be reading tea leaves instead; I hear they could give a rather accurate fortune telling.
The only question is, should it be a Pickwick, Lipton or Twinnings?
The weather has been pretty moody these few days.That and it’s getting dark ever so slightly earlier by the day. It ought to be summer, but instead we have been greeted with lots of grey clouds and rain. Not a weather I mind too much to be honest.
It’s my kind of weather – made for a pensive mood and nonsensical thoughts. Best accompanied by a warm cup of hot chocolate topped with Dutch marshmallows.
It’s hard to focus. There’s just too many distractions, yet it still is essential to continue this sprint with our hearts, minds and eyes open wide as we chart out sprints in life. Beware of karma.
Here’s to the next half year. Prost!
What’s your next sprint? What would you like it to be?

Whether you sprinting or not, we all have the same finish line – death.
:'( It sounds depressing, but yes, you are absolutely right, Jas. Though there are some out there who would RUUUUUNN to the “finish line”. Perhaps highway to hell has proven to be more exciting… ;p
You are right, Ann, life is a bit like a marathon. I often feel like a hamster in a ball unable to escape. Have a good weekend.
Right? At least the hamsters escape life after 2 years… lol.
My next sprint, I hope, will be through posts to get ahead, and start writing on the side for some side money. Not too much to ask, right? I wonder if you could get a reading from reading marshmallows in hot chocolate.
hahahahhaha! I had to laugh at your marshmallows in hot chocolate reading. For all you know, some wacko, I mean, well meaning aide has already get on that business and earn side income from it. ;p It’s a crazy world we live in.
It’s always nice to be able to start writing on the side for side money. And I hope you’ll get there, Eli! 😀
Thanks for stopping by!
Yes, a marathon… Hard to slow it down sometimes, eh? Do you feel like each year goes by faster than the last? Or is it just me? Sometimes I think of big goals I have in my life … ones I don’t work on every day, to say the least … and I think, “If I don’t slow down and work on what matters now, I’m never going to get it done.” Still easier to say than do…
Cheers for a great July-December!
Indeed. When does one ever slow down? Even if you physically do, the mind is everywhere!!! Every year is getting way too fast, I agree. SO really..it begs the question…what and why are we chasing?