May 2, 2011

On the spot

Category: Random

I was idling away my few minutes while waiting for my colleague and stumbled upon this piece while flipping through a fashion and beauty magazine:

I can’t help but took a snapshot of it with my camera phone. If that’s a bit blurry to read, it says this:

“Dissolve aspirin in a little water and dab pimples with a cotton pad to calm the irritation and tone down the redness”
I don’t know how much of that is true, but I’m inclined to give it a go one of these days as I think I’m undergoing another stage of puberty! Darn zits.

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  1. IT WORKS!!!!!!!! at least for me. Been doing it for ages! I avoided it during pregnancy though.. dunno if it was safe.

  2. WOW! Really?! I;m gobsmacked but certainly is a vote of confidence for me. I’m going to give it a try the next time! 🙂


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