August 27, 2009

Old, older…

The work onslaught for the past 2 weeks has taken its toll, with me feeling slightly under the weather in the last few days. It’s probably just my body screaming enough is enough, and can no longer take the abuse of continuous late nights and working on weekends without a decent rest.

It was so bad that I have to leave the office in the late afternoons for two continuous days and schumachered home to sleep off the exploding migraines.

I’m realizing that I’m no longer the lithe, young thing who could work for hours on end at one single sitting. Those were my piddly little executive super-underpaid days when I would be working my arse off, pulling in an all-nighter, all weekend if I had to, missing out on social life and family time, work till the wee hours in the morning and doing it for months and months on end. All in the name of work. Looking back, that was insane.

Right now, I don’t think I can hack it anymore. Age is really catching up, and my attention span is only so much. Man, I’m getting old(er). My tiny body just can’t keep up and I’m still keeping unhealthy hours at work. Older but not wiser…

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