March 14, 2009
My Therapy: Fried Macaroni
Category: Food
Situation at work has bogged me down recently and to combat the stress, I make myself happy by cooking! Cooking is indeed my theraphy and even after a crazy, long day at work, I really don’t mind the work in the kitchen. I find it fulfilling and I don’t have to deal with unnecessary politics with knives, blender, stove and meat at hand.
My stress dish of the day is whiping up my mom’s Fried Macaroni, topped up with thinly sliced omelette. Not a typical run off the mill ang-moh style pasta, this one is quite different and available only in the kitchen of Madam-MomFadz and now, mine! It is curry-based and for some reason, I can never get enough of my mom’s. This happened to be the best tasting ones I have made so far, as kindly verified by Silver Bullet. I didn’t make any adjustments to the ingredients, so I guess I’m getting better at this dish. Want some?