November 11, 2017
Monthly Mystery Munchies #29 with Gen
Sugar and spice and all that’s nice and my dear South African BBF (best-blogging-friend) once again came out strong using the cardinal spice of cinnamon.
She upped the ante and went all out with Cinnamon Buns with Cream Cheese and Buttermilk Glaze:

Don’t they just look divine! Like me, she looks to baking as a mood enhancer – the process, the prep…everything! She’s perfected the art of baking this cinnamon buns, cautioning that it is important to note that these portions have to be measured precisely.
With buns looking like that, there is no mistaking she has gotten the perfect recipe. In her words:
And perfect it is! I’ve adjusted the frosting by increasing the portions and adding vanilla, which I am permanently ‘sessing over. I am also obsessed with cinnamon. I’ve had a love affair with it for years. I put it in everything. Like, everything. It goes into my smoothies, I sprinkle it over my All Bran and bananas every morning, I put it in curries and chilli dishes… Any opportunity and I’m down.
Baking is something I haven’t done for quite some time. The price of butter has skyrocked in South Africa. FML. No, seriously, it saddens me. Baking is something that’s an instant mood enhancer, and I’m not just talking about the finished product. In fact, I think I enjoy the actual process and preparation more than the reward that comes out of the oven! Okay, maybe not more, but definitely on par.
If you haven’t check out her recipe yet, go pop over to her Cinnamon Buns with Cream Cheese and Buttermilk recipe here for some cinnamon-y, cream-cheesy, buttermilky goodness! Even better, please share her page along!
See you next month for another round of MMM….mmmmmmmmmmmmm….!