September 3, 2016
Monthly Mystery Munchies #17 with Gen
Dips anyone?
With this month’s theme being relatively easy and supposedly fuss-free, Gen has decided to once again get creative and making this dip uniquely hers using spinach, sweet, caramelised onions, and sour cream.
Just the colours from spinach and the caramelised onions alone ooze out all that yumminess. I mean, really, how could you resist this:
Accordingly to Gen, her creation comes about with South Africans being obsessed with barbeques and this concoction of her wins every time:
We’re going into summer here in the Southern Hemisphere, and as a nation, we’re obsessed with barbeques. Like, obsessed to the point that rain or shine, we make it happen! An obligatory part of said gatherings is snacks, and with snacks comes dips.
It’s also easy to prepare and keeps well in the fridge for up to two days. In terms of what to serve it with, that’s fun too. My favourites: broccoli florets, carrot sticks, potato chips, mini cheesy sausage rolls, tortilla chips… basically anything you want!
Her yummy creation is like having a dip all set with a healthy dose of salad. I like that it is different from the traditional gooey, liquidy dips that we are used to. I don’t think I would have even thought of this and Gen, yet again, truly makes this her very own signature dip.
Well done, Gen! This dip dish certainly has your interstitials all over it! And that’s another amazing challenge checked for the month, peops!
If you still haven’t yet, please pop over to my dear friend’s site and see how easy it is to make Gen’s Signature Dip. You will not regret it, I promise!