December 18, 2008


On a more serious note…

We really have to take the issues on global warming more seriously. The Northern Ice is melting real fast, with news reporting that Greenland is losing 160 gigatonnes* and Alaska glaciers at 84 gigatonnes*. The meltdown of ice would contribute to the rise of sea level and changes in ocean current. Then what happens? Massive flooding, storm, crazy weather…’s gonna be just madness. As it is, Maldives & Venice are going to be submerged soon.

I’m not a science-intellect and I’m not smart enough to comment on it scientifically. But, I have heighten awareness of global issues and it is very real. Unfortunately, it is now almost too late to reverse the effects and this saddens me greatly. What will our future generation face?

At home, we try in our little ways to help the environment by bringing our own bags for grocery shopping and not using too much of electricity. Hardly create a dent to prevent the ice from melting further…but it’s a start. And we encourage you to start too!

* 1 gigatonnes = 1 billion tonnes

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