November 29, 2009

Is it or is it not?

Category: Thaism

I’m sad. My heart breaks into pieces when I see animals being chained up in people’s home. Especially if they look like house pets to me.

You see, every morning I walk past rows of houses on the way to the office. There’s this one house at the corner of my street where everytime I walked past it, I see 2 dogs hanging out at the front porch. One is a husky, the other looked like a mutt. The mutt is being caged up and the husky is being chained-up. Both are really huge dogs. From what I can tell, the space of the front porch ain’t really that spacious, with all sorts of other junk being dumped in there. By the looks of it, the front porch is a mess!

Recently, I caught a glimpse of the husky up-close. I had to do a double take as I thought the husky didn’t look right for a husky. A proper-bred husky usually looks majestic, alert and oh-so-handsome. This one though was rather skinny, his eyes were red, and his coat, unflaterring. He has the saddest eyes and the most defeated look I have ever seen in a husky. I was about to “talk” to him while standing on the outside of the gate, but as soon as I did that, a man of about 50 year old of age came by and gave me quite the stare. I assume he is the owner and probably doesn’t quite appreciate strangers looking into his home. I had to walk away.

Honestly I haven’t seen the dogs being walked or be allowed to wander freely on their porch. Each time I pass by that house, which is everyday, I see the same dogs in the same positions. It saddens me, esepcially after noticing that the husky doesn’t look very healthy. However, I also do realise that I probably don’t know any better. Perhaps the owners do take very good care of their pets and that I just happened to see the part where they have to be caged up because of behavioral problems.

It saddens me…if what I see and think it’s true, it does border on animal abuse. Whatever it is, I hope I am wrong.

I’m thinking that perhaps we should make a report. To whom, I have yet to figure that out…

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