July 21, 2009
Funny Conversation
Another day in the office and MSN–ing Silver Bullet for a quick chat:
Me: I thought you are leaving soon?
Silver Bullet: Yeah, was about to, but still had a bit of a problem with one of the printers. (Silver Bullet paused for a bit here before sending me the next message)
Silver Bullet: Think they’ve gone home for the day, so will I.
Me: The printer went home??
(at this stage, I fleetingly wondered and shamelessly confess that I saw a humanized printer in my head! Hey, it has been a long day after a brutal, skull-numbing meeting with the client…)
Silver Bullet: Huh?
Silver Bullet: No, the people using the computer to which the printer is attached went home .So can wait till tomorrow
Me: oh isee!! haa hahah!!
I had to laugh so hard after reading his reply. Silly me! I have my “bimbo moments”…