April 30, 2011
OK. I admit. This is not cool.
My country is about to have an election and I have been so out of it that I have no clue who the candidates are. I have been too busy and been out of touch since my vacation, and, there’s the updates of the vacation to blog about, that the sheer fact that I am eligible to vote went past my head. It has been a really long while since I voted, and years ads years ago, it didn’t matter. The opposition did not put up a good fight, and we always know who the winners will be. The last previous elections, the constituency I was in had a walkover!
By the looks of it, this year might be different. In the last couple of days, I have got winds of stronger opposition. This could be interesting.
I know voting is compulsory in Singapore, and I will gladly do it if I have a clue as to who is rallying for what. But I have not been following the politics closely, and whilst I know what I don;t want, I still can’t just vote blindly. Also, I’m at my wits end…there is no online voting (only SIX NINE frickin’ locations worldwide with Thailand NOT one of it, can you believe that?!) and given that voting is compulsory and that I have been overseas for years, does that mean that I have to fly back home to vote or face the penalty of not being able to vote ever? Because that would seem so stupid as I don’t think the government is gonna be paying for my ticket home!
Damn! I have to start doing some research, and I’m running out of time. (As if I have the frickin’ time to start with.) Urgggh. Help. This is unfair.