June 21, 2011

Canon Powershot S95

Category: Photography

Feeling a bit handicapped since my Olympus died on me, I decided to spend some time in the last few weeks looking for a replacement.


(and also because, I am not very motivated to spend money on having to buy a new one)

I am, admittedly, to a fault, just lazy to want to spend time researching on something I’m not eyeing. To add on to that, I am also a bit more less techie than I used to when I stopped using Mac stuff a few years ago. So I really cannot be bothered, and all I did was asked a few friends here and there, but not really actioning on it.

Given my inertia, Silver Bullet was only too happy to do the research and recommended this:

I have only had it for about a week now, and still trying to familiarize myself with it. So far, the picture quality looks quite awesome. I like some of the funky functions they have like the fish-eye, panorama and nostalgia. I am still wondering what is so miniature about the miniature effect setting…

Currently, because I am an idiot, I am not in a position to review the technical aspects of it like people do when they review techie stuff. So, that will come later when I am more familiar with the functions and actually know which function is used how and for what. (Don’t count on it though, because I am a lazy fart and am an auto-mode kind of chick)

For now, it works great and I certainly like it for its light weight, compact size and its sleek design that comes in matt black!

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